Super Smash Bros. Tourney Wiki

The Bonus Stage is a special stage that debuts in Smash Bros. Lawl and Super Smash Bros. Tourney 2, the fomer during 


I.M. Meen attacking Justin Bieber during the Bonus Stage in Samsh Bros. Lawl

Classic Mode, and the latter only in the Stadium. After beating five opponents in Smash Bros. Lawl, you can choose if you want to play it or not. If you do, you will be able to kick Justin Bieber's butt. However, the object of the stage is to use different attacks. Three boxes appear at the side of the screen and show what move you just used on him. However, if any of the boxes, contain the same move, you fail. Justin Bieber always starts with 150 HP and loses a body part every time some of it is decreased.


  • This Bonus Stage was added in Super Smash Bros. Tourney 2, but only as a Stadium minigame.